
joint statement on agreed principles for disarmament negotiations معنى

  • البيان المشترك عن المبادئ المتفق عليها لمفاوضات نزع السلاح

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. joint statement of 3 october 2007 معنى
  2. joint statement of african ministers of economic planning and development and the ministers of finance معنى
  3. joint statement of india and the russian federation on strategic issues معنى
  4. joint statement of the fourth round of the six-party talks معنى
  5. joint statement of the premiers of china and india on the five principles of peaceful coexistence معنى
  6. joint statement on common interests معنى
  7. joint statement on cooperation on strategic stability معنى
  8. joint statement on development of united states - ukrainian friendship and partnership معنى
  9. joint statement on future negotiations on nuclear and space arms and further enhancing strategic stability معنى
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